
Cuando faltan algunos dientes una serie de cambios que pueden afectar su salud dental y la mandíbula función puede ser iniciado. Los dientes adyacentes pueden empezar a la deriva o se incline hacia el espacio, y los dientes en la oposición de mandíbula puede empezar a desplazarse hacia la zona del diente que falta. Por lo tanto, es importante sustituir el único diente o varios dientes que se han perdido. Una de las mejores opciones para evitar las consecuencias del desplazamiento de los dientes y para restablecer la función completa a un pequeño desdentados sección en la boca es un puente dental.

Un puente dental reemplaza a los dientes perdidos con dientes artificiales llamados "pontics" y se apoya en los extremos por preparados los dientes naturales. Una vez fabricado y montado un puente dental estará permanentemente "fijos", o pegados en su lugar. Como coronas, puentes pueden ser hechas de porcelana cocida en un metal de sustrato o de muchos de los nuevos materiales cerámicos, que han sido desarrollados.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my smile feel any different?


Your new bridge is customized to the exact specifications of your smile. Before cementing to the underlying teeth or affixing it to the supporting implants, the shade, occlusion, and all aspects of its fit get carefully checked. In addition to being designed to blend seamlessly with your smile, it's also made to suit your bite and withstand all manner of oral function. We take great care to make sure your new restoration looks great, fits well, and that your bite feels comfortable.

Does dental insurance cover the cost of a bridge?


Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge is a worthwhile investment in the look, health, and function of your smile. While many dental insurances offer coverage for a dental bridge, and some toward the cost of implants, the benefits and amounts can vary significantly from plan to plan. At the office of Just Smile! Dental Center, we understand the financial considerations involved in care and do all we can to help patients begin treatment without any additional stress or delay. In addition to doing our best to optimize your dental benefits, we also offer several payment and financing options. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions on the cost of care, dental insurances, financing plans, or acceptable forms of payment.

What's the best way to care for my new bridge?


Now that your new permanent crown or bridge is in place, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene. With proper care, your new restorations will last for years to come. Make sure to brush and floss as instructed. We'll show you how to floss under your dental bridge to keep your new smile clean and bright. Remember to make appointments for your routine checkups and professional cleanings.

How long can a bridge last?


The standard answer is that with routine dental visits and good home care, a bridge can last ten to fifteen years, and in many cases, much longer.

Why choose our office?


At the office of Just Smile! Dental Center, we fabricate your bridge from the highest quality dental materials to achieve the most cosmetically pleasing and lifelike results of care. It's also customized to the exact specifications of your smile and designed for optimal aesthetics, strength, and stability. Once fabricated and cemented into place, you'll feel confident sharing your smile, speaking, and eating your favorite foods.

As your trusted partner in care, we analyze every aspect of your smile to develop a treatment plan that provides aesthetically pleasing, healthy, and long-lasting results of care.

For more information on dental bridges, or any services we provide, give us a call today.

Sobre Nosotros

Si usted está buscando un dentista experimentado y respetado en Los Angeles, usted ha llegado al lugar correcto. En nuestra oficina dental utilizamos los últimos equipos de tecnología avanzada y tecnología de vanguardia y sostiene las técnicas de la esterilización más estrictas.



309 South Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90020
